October 4, 2008

Stick together

Ciao....wow I finally did it! hello, YOU! Hello, me! my blog! i finally made a blog. i put it off for so long because of a few reasons: I was lazy...I was busy, I had my excuses such as homework...but really it was for all these insecurities and fear of being vulnerable. I mean now that I've written this, it's out there! It's published on the web...I already feel like I'm known! I also have a fear of being judged by friends and strangers alike.

This needs to change.

Oh, this blog is about change too! GOBAMA! The change we need! That's a big inspiration to make a change in my life now: to do something instead of putting it off. To speak my mind and to let other's know it...instead of hiding my opinions in fear of criticism. I've always admired those that speak their mind, whether to defend someone passionately or to make a risky comment that could result them humiliation. I love that courage. I mean why do I really care if my entry is perfect? ("perfect" doesn't exist) If they laugh or don't laugh at my jokes (I admit my future is not in television)? If my spelling is wrong (that's Microsoft's fault) or my stories are meaningful to me, yet meaningless to everyone else? (I'm not an author and who is this "everyone" anyway!!?) Maybe no one will read my blog.

And that' s fine with me because this blog will be my space to write cazzate about my life. To analyze and over-analyze things as boring as "why did I chose the pink scarf today?") and of course to express my not-very-exotic identity as a broke college grad white girl trying to find my destiny in a crystal ball (or on the horoscope websites) while building my future on a foundation as solid as jello, because i am building my future on love. This blog will be about my hybridity as an American, Italophile and ex-Pat...which will be extremely evident in my obsessive referencing to Italy, and through my hybrid lexicon of Italian and English.

This is my space to record the inner monologue that gets tossed around in my brain all day like dice in the dice popper of the 1990's "Frustration" board game. It's going to reveal a lot of frustration in fact....all my curiosity and confusion about the future. That's why my story starts with my open ended dot-dot-dot sentence:

So, Lil e' Qui...now what?


Welcome to my soliloquy.