October 5, 2008

Let it grow!

So, Lil is here...time to get blogging!

The hardest part is getting something started (for example: I've wanted to start a blog for more than a year now) but now this is like having a plant, because I have to tend to it often and keep adding to it (no water in this blog). I've planted the seed, now I'm going to tend to it and hope it blooms.

In fact, I've been very busy watching things develop and grow lately. I'm absolutely consumed by how the US presidential election has developed into a full-fledged media frenzy! But who can resist all the Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin drama!!?!? I've got my hands on articles, videos, NPR analyses, and even the SNL skits, such as the most recent one between Biden/Palin. It's sooo hilarious!! I love how Tina Fey makes a comeback on SNL just to ridicule Palin (and she does it seamlessly and brilliantly.) I've always admired comedians...how on earth do you keep a straight face when you are imitating a politician WINKING on public television!!!?!? (I still can't believe Palin did that...).

I was itching to get involved with the campaign, so I donated by purchasing some souvenir-ish stuff like Obama pins. Then I've used facebook and gmail to share his message to all my friends...but i still feel like I haven't done enough. Now I'm getting in contact with the Democrats Abroad in Italy. Apparently they are doing a debate-watching party at one of the local universities. That's great! Most importantly I have to start figuring out my absentee ballot because I want to make sure I get it in on time. If you ever have any questions about voting abroad, the best website is this one!!!

Now let's just hope this flower blooms on November 4th. GOBAMA!