October 26, 2008

[5:14:23 PM] LILL says: she almost has as many houses as McCain
[5:14:28 PM] LILL says: by the way
[5:14:38 PM] LILL says: the anticipation for the election is killing me
[5:14:43 PM] LILL says: i just want to find out the results already
[5:14:45 PM] LILL says: and move on
[5:14:52 PM] LILL says: my Obama facebook profile picture is going to go back to normal
[5:14:58 PM] Q says: ah i know
[5:15:02 PM] LILL says: and im going to stop harassing people on facebook with articles about OBAMA
[5:15:03 PM] Q says: its coming so soon!
[5:15:06 PM] LILL says: i just want to know!
[5:15:11 PM] LILL says: I have a feeling we've got our hopes up
[5:15:17 PM] LILL says: our country is
far behind
[5:15:22 PM] LILL says: unintelligent for the most part
[5:15:32 PM] LILL says: certainly uninformed and uninterested in most areas
[5:15:43 PM] LILL says: and we are so unwilling to change
[5:15:52 PM] LILL says: so my hopes aren't up
[5:15:55 PM] LILL says: why should they be
[5:16:00 PM] Q says: mine aren't either
[5:16:10 PM] LILL says: i really had them up for Gore
[5:16:14 PM] LILL says: I really had them up more for 2004
[5:16:18 PM] Q says: we live in the most liberal part of the country
[5:16:19 PM] LILL says: then there was bush then bush
[5:16:21 PM] LILL says: and i was like
[5:16:23 PM] LILL says: HOW?
[5:16:50 PM] Q says: and theres a whole HUGE mass of people that live a completely different lifestyle than we do...
[5:16:54 PM] LILL says: i know!
[5:17:05 PM] LILL says: they just can't see anything good about Obama
[5:17:16 PM] LILL says: there are actually ppl who are convinced he's a muslim terrorist
[5:17:18 PM] Q says: because he's not white too
[5:17:20 PM] LILL says: are you kidding me?
[5:17:25 PM] Q says: I KNOW!
[5:17:32 PM] LILL says: then it scares me coz im like well maybe they know something we don't know
[5:17:40 PM] LILL says: sometimes i think that im just as easily fooled by what i hear as they are
[5:17:47 PM] LILL says: how DOES anyone know what to believe
[5:17:55 PM] Q says: and the fact that people around here that we know are going to vote for mccain scares me
[5:17:56 PM] LILL says: when is it the media and when is it your real instinct
[5:18:03 PM] LILL says: we know McCain ppl
[5:18:07 PM] LILL says: it's ridiculous
[5:18:09 PM] Q says: T*
[5:18:11 PM] LILL says: i dont know why im even friends with them
[5:18:15 PM] LILL says: and R!!!
[5:18:15 PM] Q says: R*
[5:18:17 PM] LILL says: yeah
[5:18:22 PM] LILL says: coz his parents have a business
[5:18:25 PM] LILL says: and they dont want taxes
[5:18:29 PM] LILL says: is that all ppl care about?
[5:18:33 PM] Q says: your dad has a business
[5:18:35 PM] LILL says: losing some money that will be used for the good
[5:18:40 PM] Q says: my parents both do
[5:18:45 PM] LILL says: yeah thats true
[5:19:05 PM] Q says: and if people would realize that taxes are only going up for people that make over 250,000 a year!
[5:19:15 PM] Q says: well those people should pay higher taxes!
[5:19:15 PM] LILL says: i know!
[5:19:22 PM] LILL says: its the people who just dont read
[5:19:23 PM] LILL says: they don't read
[5:19:29 PM] LILL says: and therefore they dont know
[5:19:32 PM] LILL says: they just keep saying
[5:19:33 PM] Q says: improve the school systems
[5:19:36 PM] LILL says: "obama doesnt have experience"
[5:19:42 PM] LILL says: oh come on!
[5:19:50 PM] Q says: i know!
[5:20:40 PM] LILL says: grr
[5:20:42 PM] LILL says: it scares me
[5:21:01 PM] Q says: can you imagine palin and mccain
[5:21:13 PM] Q says: running this country!?!?!
[5:21:27 PM] Q says: even republicans are publicly endorsing obama!
[5:21:35 PM] Q says: what does that tell you???
[5:22:55 PM] LILL says: omg
[5:22:56 PM] LILL says: scary
[5:22:59 PM] LILL says: my sister has had nightmares about Palin as President
[5:23:03 PM] LILL says: haha i know
[5:23:05 PM] LILL says: seriously
[5:23:08 PM] LILL says: their campaign is a joke
[5:23:09 PM] LILL says: thats why
[5:23:20 PM] LILL says: it would be disgusting to have a white president
[5:23:39 PM] LILL says: white white fake blond wife who has no credibility unlike Michelle Obama
[5:23:47 PM] LILL says: and then there is Sarah Palin
[5:23:50 PM] Q says: ew i know!
[5:24:09 PM] LILL says: whose husband, if he becomes the first man, would only make a contribution to our country as a SNOWMOBILER
[5:24:11 PM] LILL says: for real?
[5:24:20 PM] LILL says: Americans think this is the kind of family that runs the White House
[5:24:21 PM] Q says: I KNOW
[5:24:25 PM] LILL says: that's an insult to my intelligence

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