November 7, 2008

Every week has a theme or subtheme rather, because the overall theme was coincidence.

Last week the theme was "What's the luck you'll run into that one person you know in a crowded city?" because I literally walked past (of all the streets, of all the days, of all the hours, of all the places) a friend from London but just happened to have stopped into town on the one day I'm free and happened to be in the same street at the same time in the same place as me.

Then the following day I somehow sat down next to the best-friend-of-our-Boston-family-friends-who-lives-in-Toscana-and-whom-I've-never-met-but-heard-about at this big house party in the middle of nowhere out in the Tuscan hills. Yup. In a party full of three dozen kiddies in Halloween costumes with twice as many parents, I sat down. Within minutes we exchanged the typical-introduction-full-of-short-useless-vague-details-just-to-be-polite and I dared to ask if she was perhaps THE Tuscan-interior-designer-originally-from-Boston-and-friends-with-our-friends. Too bad it wasn't the winning lottery number that I guessed...but I know that a wealth of friends is what makes a person rich.

This week's theme: "What's the luck you'll be a celebrity for a day?" Well both my sister and I were spotted on the local TV channels cheering or volunteering for the 2008 US election night. She was in France, I was in Italy.What's the luck of that especially considering there are 5,000 other Americans in town!

Now to top it off, I told our mom the story and the real coincidence is that she was interviewed for German tv on a visit! History repeats itself I guess.**

disclaimer: *Let's hope history repeats itself in only the good ways from now electing more black Presidents!

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